Legal Information
Historical Films is a partnership entitled Historical Films / Media Magic Productions, LLC. HF/MM produces and publishes documentary films, with subjects dealing mainly with American history. The company markets its programs and other products directly to the public and also as a wholesale supplier to bookstores and other retail outlets. The partners in HF/MM also author and publish original literary, non-fiction works on American history, and they co-author their own novels, bult on strong historical themes. These book and all HF/MM products are available at substantial discounts for bulk purchases, wholesale orders and educational customers. We also work closely with several of America’s national parks and other non-profit educational sites, producing original educational programs, without profit, at the rate of one program per year. HF/MM is a union of Historical Films, Inc., founded in 2002 as a non-profit educational foundation, and Media Magic Productions, a media-based training entity that dates back to 1987.
Terms of Use
The Historical Films and Media Magic Productions, LLC logos and the names are trademarks and/or service marks of Media Magic Productions, LLC. We remind you that this site and its contents are protected by US and international copyright laws. We ask you to agree to limit use of the content contained in the Historical Films web site to personal, non-commercial use; and not to distribute, sell or transmit the content to anyone else. The law prohibits use of any text or images from this site without express permission. Feel free to link your website to our home page.
Historical Films reserves the right to add, change, modify, delete or otherwise update the Historical Films web site at any time, including those actions which make the Historical Films web site unavailable for use. In no way will Historical Films be held liable for incomplete, inaccurate, or misleading information contained in any of the associated pages. The user hereby agrees that it will well and truly indemnify and save harmless Historical Films from all manners of suit, actions, damages, charges and expenses, including attorney and counsel fees related to any use, action, or inaction on the part of the user, related to or stemming from use of or lack of use of the Historical Films website.